Our Distributors
Our Distributors
Our full inventory is available directly through our website or through the distributors listed below:
(listed alphabetically)

Bocal Majority Store (www.bocalmajoritystore.com)
Carlos Coelho Woodwinds (www.carlosoboe.com)
Charles Double Reeds (www.charlesmusic.com)
Hickey’s Music Center (www.hickeys.com)
Hodge Products, Inc. (www.hodgeproductsinc.com)
Midwest Musical Imports (www.mmimports.com)
Oboe Chicago (www.oboechicago.com)
Otter Creek Double Reeds (ottercreekdoublereeds.com)

HurryCane Reeds (www.hurrycanereeds.com)
Please reach out to us via the Contact Us section of our website if you are interested in becoming a distributor of our products.